Sunday, 13 April 2014

Children's Mental Health Week: May 4-10, 2014

1 in 5 Ontario children and youth has a mental health problem - that's about 500,000 kids. Disorders range from anxiety, depression and conduct disorder to eating disorders, psychosis and bi-polar disorder. Left untreated, mental health disorders can lead to school failure, family conflicts, drug abuse and even suicide.
Children's Mental Health Week is about increasing awareness of the signs of child and youth mental health problems, decreasing stigma and understanding that help is available and treatment works

The more educated we are on the subject, the more capable we are to reach out for support. There should be no shame in talking about mental health issues. The more we talk about this, the more we reduce the associated shame and stigma so that young people can get the help they need when they need it most.

Celebrating Children's Mental Health Week

Events being planned across the Province include: 

  • Green ribbon campaigns;
  • Schoolyard walks for mental health awareness;
  • Parent information nights;
  • Municipal proclamations declaring the first full week of May as Children’s Mental Health Week