Wednesday 25 September 2013

Career Conference - October 8th and October 10th, 2014

Career development is a critical component of a well-rounded education.  As students eventually go to work, it is our responsibility as educators to expose them to occupations and career paths during their formative years.  A career conference offers students opportunities to explore their strengths and interests which can then be directly linked to occupations. 

The ER12  Family of Schools will be hosting Career exploration events on  October 8th and October 10th at the Ontario Science Centre.   This Career Awareness Project is being designed to help students discover the many pathways to success within their area of interest.  Our goal is for students to discover that there are interesting and meaningful jobs in a variety of career fields.  We want them to see that within each field there are jobs for people with high school education, jobs that require apprenticeships, jobs that need a college diploma and jobs for which a university degree is a must.  Each of the pathways; Apprenticeship, College, University & Workplace will be highlighted at the Career Conference by the staff at the Ontario Science Centre.

Connections To Creating Pathways To Success: An Education and Career/Life Planning Program For Ontario Schools 2013

Creating Pathways to Success puts students at the centre of their own learning, 
viewing them as the architects of their own lives. Students are encouraged to 
discover who they are, explore opportunities, pursue their passions, and design 
personal pathways to success. They are encouraged to express their insights in 
individual ways and to keep track of what they discover about themselves and their 
interests, passions, and opportunities over time. When students are empowered 
to design and plan their own lives, they are engaged, they achieve, and they find 
themselves applying their learning in their daily lives. In an environment that 
encourages such learning, students develop confidence in knowing that their 
school programs are created with them in mind, that the world beyond school 
has something to offer them, and that they have something to offer the world.

(Source: Creating Pathways to Success,  September 29th, 2014)