Elementary Guidance Contacts
- Encourage your child to take part in any summer programs that high schools offer for example “Moving On Up” or grade 9 information days
- Encourage your child to do a trial run (bus route or walking) to secondary school
- Trust the advice of educators – we want the best for your children too!
- In grade 9, courses are applied, academic locally developed or open. After grade 10, courses are destination-bound courses (apprenticeship, college, university or workplace)
- Parents still need to ask questions in secondary school (check homework, agendas, school website and maintain contact with subject teachers)
- Establish routines at home - homework times, consistent place in which to work, the proper tools
- Stay involved with children - ask questions about teams, clubs, homework, friends, teachers and classes
- Use grade 9 agenda as a communication tool between home and school
- Have realistic academic expectations for your child
- Come to concerts, games, interviews - continue to be a hands-on parent in secondary school
- Yes, they do have homework!
- Be honest about your child’s strengths and needs
- Provide all relevant documentation to ensure successful programming – psychology reports, speech and language reports, medical information
- Changes can be made in secondary school – lifelong plans do not have to be made in grade 9
- Be involved without being “helicopter parents” – let your child experience consequences
- Ask for clarification from the school or your child if you don’t understand something